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Monday 02122024


Hey CFQ! We're starting the week off by testing our 1 RM snatch again. We've been putting in the work each week to build our capacity with the olympic lifts, now is the time to bring it all together. If you haven't already tested this lift, then today is the day to get it sorted out.

Our Clean and Jerk test will be on Wednesday!

After this week we will have four weeks of transition to get us through the holidays and then it's back to business on January 13 with the start of a GPP (General Physical Preparedness) cycle, i.e. conditioning, to get us ready for the OPEN which starts in late February.

The transition weeks will be a fun mix of modalities and strength to maintain our hard earned gains but also keep it fresh and fun. No major focus.

Whoop whoop! See you in the gym.



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