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Our Annual 12 Days of Christmas Workout


It's almost time amigos, mark your calendar...The 12 Days of Christmas, Bodyweight Edition! So exciting.

We're going to program this as our daily workout on Wednesday December 18.

Here's how it works. On 3,2,1 go you perform 1 burpee. Then you perform 2 box jumps and 1 burpee. Then you perform 3 HSPU, 2 box jumps and 1 burpee. Then you perform 4 clean and jerks, 3 HSPU, 2 box jumps and 1 burpee. Get it?

Try not to think about it too much, but there are 364 total reps...I say this for educational purposes only. If you finish this workout in 15 minutes or less, you didn't do it right.

It's a fun time and we do it every year, so if this is your first kick at the can (i.e. first time doing it) record your time, so when you crush it again next year you can see how much faster you went through it.

1 burpee

2 box jumps 24/20

3 hspu / strict press

4 clean and jerks 95/65

5 pushups

6 toes to bar / toes to kB

7 kb swings 53/35

8 double unders - or - 16 singles

9 ring dips / box dips

10 pistols / air squats

11 pull-ups / ring rows

12 thrusters 95/65



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