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Thursday STRETCH DAY 27022025


Happy Stretch day...and OPEN 2025 first workout release day. So exciting.

If you're really pumped about performing at your absolute best for this year's open, you should treat today as an active recovery style day and keep the intensity LOW. Some movement will serve you well, but you shouldn't be swinging around on bars and doing big volume on wall walks, box jumps etc. if today is just another day for you, have at it!

We will have a nice stretch setup to help get us limber for our first FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS open workout, starting Friday at 4:30.

Even if you aren't participating in the open this year, we would love to have you stop in to hang out and cheer your classmates on. It's a really fun vibe, and there will be some epic wrestling stars wandering around 😉

Reminder that there are no afternoon/evening classes on Friday to accommodate our OPEN celebrations.



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