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Tuesday 12112024


Hey CFQ. Big thanks to everyone who came out for Murph and Chad 1000 on Remembrance day. I saw a LOT of gritty efforts in the gym and you should all be very proud of your dedication. Both Murph and Chad are tough workouts and you all did an amazing job.

With this kind of volume, it's important to realize that you WILL be sore afterwards and to drink plenty of water, stretch, do some foam rolling, eat some good food and get a great night's sleep.

For Tuesday. This is a lot of TTB volume, so break up your sets early and be sure to choose an option that allows you keep working. We would much rather see sets of kipping leg raises over the dreaded single TTB of death. Practice the movement with fewer reps or slightly less range of motion for the WIN!.

Take care crew.



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