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Wednesday HUMP DAY! 15012025


Here we go crew! Mid-week extravaganza with some gymnastics and interval training! To be clear on how the METCON works. Complete 2 rounds of couplet 1, rest 1 minute. Complete 2 rounds of couplet 2, rest 1 minute. That's 2 sets! Repeat until you complete 6 sets. Your time to complete each couplet MUST be less than 2:30 if you want to finish under the timecap.

We've done this 30 rep Bar Muscle Up test before, but for time. Now we're looking to complete the 30 in as few sets as possible. You can test this with CTB or kipping pullups too!

The fitness option for those not interested in crushing Bar Mups anytime soon are 5 sets of strict, band-assisted pullups.



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